My name is Anthonie Etienne, and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), aPastoral Counselor, and an Ordained Minister. Enjoy providing emotional and mental supportthrough spiritual and biblical foundations to those who experience difficulties in finding balance.The fundamentals used in providing counseling services is created using faith-based approachusing the foundations of Scripture and the gospels of Jesus Christ. We joyously serve those whoneed realignment in their daily lives. Genuinely reaching the heart of any challenges/trials in lifeopens the opportunity of building from the inside out. Walking together in this process developsyour personal transformation of mind and heart.My approach to serving involves using methods in theology that create spiritual growth andcharacter formation by using Christian Psychology, this establishes a solid foundation that allowsthose being served to build themselves up with qualities that will assist in binding woundsthrough healing, increasing self-control, increasing self-worth, and increasing stability.Committed to focusing on events in individuals lives that have disrupted balance in personal andfamily dynamics. Our goal is to create wellness mentally, emotionally, and spiritually usingBiblical perspective, in addition, incorporating a therapeutic and behavioral processes.Serving children, youth, adolescents, families, youth in foster care, foster families, andindividuals who have disruptions in their personal and/or family dynamics is my focus. Lifechallenges that develop an imbalance in mental, emotional, social, and psychological stability areconditions that can be treated by using various methods, which in turn, can increase quality oflife.